
Fiscal 2015

Talk by Dr. Atsuto Maki
Special seminar talking by Prof. Hidaka and Dr. Yijun
Talks by Dr. Yasunori Aoki (March 22-23)
Talk on data analysis and optimization
Symposium on the CPS Integrated IT Platform (CPS-IIP) Project 2015
NII Seminar Series on Dimensionality and Scalability VI
Seminar on Wireless Context-awareness
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra
Lectures on Numerical Linear Algebra (7, 13 Jan.)
Workshop on Signal & Information Processing for Sleep Analysis 2016
Associate professor Gene Cheung and Junichi Yamagishi give lectures at APSIPA 2015.
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization by Prof. Zhong-Zhi Bai
Talk by Prof. Guenter Mueller, University of Freiburg
Seminar on contact-free sensing for collective activity recognition
ILP NII-Satellite Meeting
ILP 2015 (The 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming) in Kyoto
Talk By Prof. Baboulin
Seminar by Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff and Prof. Simone Teufel
Talk on Social Web by Dr. John Breslin at NII
COST training school 3D-AVCom 2015
Lecture by Sylvain Salvati at NII Logic Seminar
NII Open House 2015
Lectures on Numerical Linear Algebra by Dr. Miroslav Rozloznik
Talk by Dr. David Lomet, Microsoft Research:The Deuteronomy High Performance Transactional Key-Value Store
Talk on wireless networks
Lecture on Imaging
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra
Lecture on Optimization
Hong Kong-Tokyo Workshop on Scientific Computing