Event News

Seminar on contact-free sensing for collective activity recognition


Sept. 4 (Friday)
National Institute of Informatics, 19th floor, Room 1904 (Presentation Room)
Dr. Stephan Sigg
University of Goettingen
BIO of the speaker:
Stephan Sigg will join Aalto University, Finland in October 2015. Before, he was with Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany, an academic guest in the Wearable Computing Lab at ETH Zurich and in the Nodes laboratory at University of Helsinki. From December 2010 to March 2013, Stephan joined the National Institute of Informatics, Japan.
Previous positions include visiting Professor for Distributed and Ubiquitous Systems at TU Braunschweig (winter 2010) and researcher at the chair for Pervasive Computing Systems (TecO) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He obtained his PhD from University of Kassel (2008).
His research interests cover the design, analysis and optimisation of algorithms for distributed systems. For instance, context prediction, collaborative transmission in Wireless sensor networks, context-based secure key generation, device-free passive activity recognition and utilising the RF-channel as a mathematical calculator.
Contact-free sensing for collective activity recognition
We are surrounded by a multitude of communicating sensing devices. Furnished with wearables to serve our very needs, we traverse sensor-rich environments of developing smart environments and smart cities.
This loose connection of devices increasingly evolves into a superorganism of wearables and environmental devices, collectively sensing social and environmental information.
We will discuss potential opportunities enabled by this scenario. In particular, we envision the advance of sentiment sensing, smart city architectures as well as autonomous intelligent spaces.

Yushen Ji
E-mail: kei[at]nii.ac.jp
*Please replace [at] with @.
