Event News

Special seminar talking by Prof. Hidaka and Dr. Yijun

We are pleased to announce a special seminar on 23rd.One speaker will be Asssistant Professor Hidaka who will move out of NII to Hosei Universityas a full professor in April 1st.


14:00-16:00, March 23rd (Wed)
Rm. 1208 (12F), NII
Tentative Program:
Opening by Prof. Honiden

Talk 1:
Towards Robust and Efficient Infrastructure Software Systems with Clear Behaviors
Soichiro Hidaka (NII)

Software systems are frequently changed, so update propagation managements are in ubiquitous needs. Bidirectional transformations (BX) are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of two (or more) related sources of information. It is expected as a promising approach to change managements, and the speaker has been jointly conducting research on graph BX for eight years based on the notion of structural recursion studied by Buneman et al. The results include bidirectionalization of the structural recursion on graphs and its optimizations, extension of data model to support ordered branches, and prototypical applications to model-driven developments. This talk will summarize these results and report several recent international collaborations including bidirectionalization of a widely-used model transformation language, as well as will look back some of our earlier joint work, under an attempt to put them into the context of the speaker's long-term research objective towards robust and efficient infrastructure software system with clear behaviors.

Talk 2:
Maintaining invariant traceability through bidirectional transformations — Promising Research Direction
Yijun Yu (Open University, UK)

A few years ago, my summer visit at NII led to a novel framework to support model-driven software development of the famous Eclipse modelling framework. The work uses the GroundTram system from the NII Grace Centre, syncing co-evolving software engineering artefacts in tandem, and categorising meaningful changes in parallel as bidirectional graph transformations. Thanks to the substantially improved performance and capability of the GroundTram tool, the bottleneck of the tool chain has shifted to the Eclipse development environment.
In this talk I will revisit similar problems and solutions in security and privacy areas, and proposes some challenges for it to be used more widely in software engineering practice.
::: Biography ::::::
Dr. Yijun Yu is a Senior Lecturer in Computing at The Open University, UK, specialised in Requirements Engineering, Automated Software Engineering and Software Maintenance. He is interested in developing automated, efficient and scalable software techniques and tools to better support human activities in software engineering. As the Geek of the Week, he has a vision to improve aviation security through cloud computing and Internet of Things by live streaming the blackboxes after the missing MH370 flight, which featured in interviews with BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Services aired in April 2014. He reengineered the Minecraft game for requirements engineering at a large scale on a variety of platforms, which has been downloaded by more than half a million people. Such software development practice and experience provides a rich case study as the “dog food” in Automated Software Engineering and Software Maintenance. His research receives Best Paper (IEEE TrustCom'14, ACM EICS'13) and Distinguished Paper Awards (IEEE RE'11, BCS'08, ACM SigSoft ASE'07).
He serves as an Associate Editor of the Software Quality Journal, Secretary of BCS Specialist Group on Requirements Engineering, a PC member of international conferences on Requirements Engineering (RE, CAiSE), Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME, CSMR), Security (ESSoS), and World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). He manages knowledge transfer projects with Huawei, IBM, CA, RealTelekom, and is an investigator on research projects including Adaptive Security and Privacy (ERC Adv. Grant, 2012-2017), and Adaptive Information Systems (QNRF, 2012-2016), Lifelong Security Engineering for Evolving Systems (EU FP7, 2009-2012), and Usable Privacy for Mobile Apps (Microsoft SEIF, 2012).

Prof. HU Zhenjiang
hu[at]nii.ac.jp *Please replace [at] with @.
