
Fiscal 2017

2nd Home Coming Day of SOKENDAI Dept. of Informatics
Talk by Prof. Yuming Jiang from Norwegian University of Science and Technology: "Introduction to Network Calculus: Basic Concepts and Applications"
NII Seminar Series on Dimensionality and Scalability VII
Lectures on Numerical Linear Algebra by Prof. Lothar Reichel
Talk by Assoc. Prof. Rui Carlos Oliveira: "Exascale data management for the IoT"
Talk by Dr. Haojin Zhu: "Attacks and Defenses of IoT Systems via A Cross-layer Approach"
Talk by Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Ullman: "Data Science: Is it Real?"
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra by Prof. Jose Mas: "Preconditioners for nonsymmetric linear systems with low-rank skew-symmetric part"
Talk by Prof. Moustafa Youssef: "A Robust Zero-Calibration RF-based Localization System for Realistic Environments"
Talk by Dr. Medvedev on Web and Social data modeling seminar: "Modelling structure and predicting dynamics of discussion threads in online boards using Hawkes processes"
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra by Dr. Huaian Diao: "Small Sample Statistical Condition Estimation for the Total Least Squares Problem"
Lecture by Prof. Weihua Zhuang from University of Waterloo: "Spectrum and Energy Efficient MAC for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks"
Lecture on informal workshop on Argument Mining
GRACE Symposium 2017 - Next Ten Years of Software Engineering
The 13th NTCIR Conference
IDR User Forum 2017
Information session of SOKENDAI Dept. of Informatics
The 2nd SPARC Japan Seminar 2017 (Open Access Summit 2017) "Preprint and Open Access"
Lecture by Prof. Yasushi Hiromi: "Essence of Scientific Presentation -- tips from the NIG Method"
Lecture by Prof. Youngmok Jeon on Numerical PDE
Talk by Prof. Guenter Mueller: "Why so much Attention on Civil Security?"
Talks by Dr. Wan: "Talk 3: Numerical Methods for PDE Problems arising from Option Pricing, Asset Allocation, and Dynamic Bertrand Oligopolies"
Talks by Dr. Wan: "Talk 2: Multigrid Methods: from Elliptic, Hyperbolic to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations"
Talks by Dr. Wan: "Talk 1: Graph Cut and Linear Algebra Approach to Cell Image Segmentation"
The 8th DSC Seminar "Information Fostering: Being Proactive in Information Seeking"
Talk by Prof. Tom Hou (Virginia Tech) on optimizing the wireless network capacity
The 7th DSC Seminar "Egocentric computer vision, for fun and science"
Talk by Dr. Marco Mezzavilla (New York University): "A Full Stack Perspective of 5G mmWave Communications"
The 6th DSC Seminar "From scientific idea to startup company"
Talk by Prof. Shin'ichi Satoh (NII): "Observing Society via Television"
NII Open House 2017
Talk by Romain Vuillemot(École Centrale de Lyon)
The 4th DSC Seminar "Recent advances for billion-scale similarity search"