Event News
Talk on "Ambient Intelligence via contactless sensing" by Dr. Stephan Sigg from Aalto University
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Dr. Stephan Sigg from Aalto University titled:"Ambient Intelligence via contactless sensing" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!
Ambient Intelligence via contactless sensing
Recent advances in RF-sensing have demonstrated that communication systems (e.g. WiFi, cellular, LoRa, Blue-tooth, etc.) may not only provide connectivity, but also sensing and environmental perception capabilities. Therefore, RF convergence - realizing sensing capabilities utilizing resources originally reserved for communication - has gained attention as a potential solution to better utilize the available spectrum. The proposed designs target architectures where sensing and communication are co-designed at physical and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Supported by edge intelligence, this enables new possibilities for free-space (gesture) interaction, activity recognition or localization and tracking in IoT-augmented smart computing environments. The talk will summarize recent developments in RF-sensing and highlight challenges and opportunities for interaction in the context of the IoT.
Speaker Bio:
Stephan Sigg is an Associate Professor at Aalto University in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering. He heads the Ambient Intelligence research group. Prior to Aalto University, he has worked in Germany and in Japan. Professor Sigg's research is focused on the design, analysis and optimisation of (randomized) algorithms in Mobile and Pervasive Computing domains, in particular focusing on (wireless) networking and security. In recent years has worked on problems related to usable security, device-free human sensing, pro-active context computing, distributed adaptive beamforming, communication and Sensing convergence, and physical layer function computation.
15:00- June 6 (Thursday), 2024
Room 1509, NII
If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email :kei[at]nii.ac.jp