Event News
ERATO MMSD Project Symposium
Our JST ERATO project, which we have been promoting since October 2016, is entering its final year, and we will be holding a symposium (results briefing) on Wednesday, June 19th. https://group-mmm.org/eratommsd/ja/2024symposium/
We are truly grateful for the tremendous support you have provided in promoting the project. On the day of the symposium, in addition to reporting our research results, we will introduce technologies that can be used in the industry and present case studies (including poster presentations). We will also share the insights and reflections gained from promoting this large-scale project.
The symposium is intended for researchers and students in informatics and mathematics, engineers in the industry involved in the safety assurance of information systems and physical information systems, and those involved in the management, support, and policy design of research projects.
Date and Time
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 11:30 AM - 8:30 PM (Registration starts at 11:00 AM)
Hitotsubashi Hall (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, near Jimbocho Station and Takebashi Station)
Pre-registration required
Free of charge
Please register using the form below by Friday, June 7, 2024.