International Workshop on Information Systems for Social Innovation 2009(ISSI)2009
- Date:September 30, 2009 / 10:00-18:00
- Venue:National Center of Sciences, Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
- Admission:Free, Language:Japanese/English(Simultaneous translation will be available)
- Host:National Institute of Informatics
- Co-Hosts:University of Freiburg, Germany, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Organizing ComMittee:
NII (Japan) : Prof. Dr. Noboru Sonehara, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isao Echizen, Dr. Sven Wohlgemuth
University of Freiburg (Germany) : Prof. Dr. G?nter M?ller
Vienna University of Technology (Austria) : Prof. Dr. A Min Tjoa
We need to solve global problems, such as energy, food, education, and economic development in our advanced information and communication technology (ICT) society. These are complicated problems worldwide and only one country, one organization, or one researcher can t solve them all. In this workshop we will pursue issues concerning safety and security to cover difficult ICT society problems, such as compliance privacy, IT risk management, and information security, in cooperation with the MOU organizations NII has partnerships with. For this purpose, we will hold an international workshop on information systems for social innovation.
10:00-10:15 |
Opening Yohichi Tohkura (126KB)(Executive Director of Research, NII), Hans-Joachim Daerr (Ambassador, German Embassy Tokyo) |
10:00-16:50 |
Poster and Demonstration |
10:15-10:45 |
Makoto Nagao (President, National Diet Library): Mutual Understanding is the Best Way for Security(1.1MB) |
10:45-11:15 |
Thomas M?ck (Professor, Vienna University of Technology, Austria): Security and Privacy Issues in the Austrian "patient record" project ELGA(144KB) |
11:15-11:45 |
Gerhard Schneider (CIO, University of Freiburg, Germany): Security for Society - Is any Technological Possibility a Desirable Solution for Democracy?(195KB) |
11:45-13:00 |
Lunch break |
13:00-13:30 |
Hana Pech?ckov? (Legal Affairs and Policy, European Commission): Privacy and Protection of Personal Data in the EU, Transfers of Personal Data to third Countries(154KB) |
13:30-14:00 |
Tatsuaki Okamoto (Fellow, NTT): Inventing the Future of Network Society by Information Security(383KB) |
14:00-14:20 |
Akira Maeda (General Manager, Hitachi Systems Development Lab): Knowledge Emergence Infrasturucture by Convergence of Real World and IT(740KB) |
14:20-14:40 |
Yuichiro Anzai (Senior Adviser NII, Former President of Keio University):Global knowledge sharing and roles of educational institutions(1.8MB) |
14:40-14:50 |
Iris Wieczorek (Director, Japan Office, German Research Foundation (DFG)): International Research Cooperation - Chances and Challenges(626KB) |
14:50-15:20 |
Coffee break |
15:20-16:40 |
Introduction to on-going Research Activities
16:40-17:50 |
Panel discussion "Harmonizing Technology with Society"
17:50-18:00 |
Conclusion Masao Sakauchi (Director General, NII) |
2nd Floor Hall
1. Security technology (Privacy and Data, Media)
- Isao Echizen (Associate Professor, NII) : Research on Re-shooting Countermeasures(217KB)
- Nurul Huda (Researcher, NII) : Extending Usability of Personal Health Records(228KB)
- Hiromi KATAOKA, Yutaka HATAKEYAMA, Yoshiyasu OKUHARA, Shu KURAMOTO (Kochi Medical School) : Medical data analysis infrastructure(765KB)
- Sven Wohlgemuth (Researcher, NII) : Privacy in eHealth(162KB)
- Johannes Heurix (Researcher, Secure Business Austria Research, Austria) : Pseudonymization of Health Data(244KB)
2. e-Science, CSI (Cyber Science Infrastructure)
- Shigeki Yamada (Professor, NII) : A Japanese Research and Education Network: SINET 3(792KB)
- Kazutsuna Yamaji (Associate Professor, NII) :Academic Federated Access Management in Japan(360KB)
- Kento Aida (Professor, NII) : Academic Grid Infrastructure in Japan(444KB)
- Motonori Nakamura (Professor, NII) : Academic Cloud Service Computing(147KB)
- Kimiko Yamakawa (Researcher, NII), Shuichi Itahashi (Professor, NII) : Speech Resources for Scientific Research and its Application(1.3MB)
- Helmut Prendinger (Associate Professor, NII) : The Global Lab: an Infrastructure for Participatory Science based on the 3D Internet(860KB)
3. Information technology risk management
- Yosuke FUJII, Masayuki HENMI, Toshiharu FUJITA (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics) : Evaluating Statistical Interaction between Various Therapy in Clinical Trials(419KB)
- Takayuki Fujii(*1), Masayuki Kageyama(*1), Masashi Gamou(*2), Koji Kanefuji(*1), and Hiroe Tsubaki(*1)*1:The institute of statistical mathematics, *2:National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology:Statistical analysis in risk assessment of chemicals.(457KB)
- Tomoko Kajiyama (Research Assistant, Waseda University) : An Enjoyable System for Learning Website Attributes to Foster Children's Information Literacy(3.5MB)
- Yuki Shoji (SOKENDAI) : An Investment risk and Public Policy to expand the broadband network in Japan(340KB)
4. Security and society
- Gerhard Schneider (CIO, University of Freiburg, Germany) : Security and Society bridging the gap between humanities and technical sciences(13MB)
- Toshihiko Takemura (Assistant Professor, Kansai University) : An Economic Approach to Issues on the Information Security(2.7MB)
- Hana Pech?ckov? (Legal Affairs and Policy, European Commission) : Privacy and Protection of Personal Data in the EU, Transfers of Personal Data to third Countries
5. Others
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Japan Office, German Research Foundation (DFG)(6.0MB)
- European Commission(44MB)
- Siemens Japan
- France Telecom Japan
Planning and Promotion Strategy Department
TEL: 03-4212-2165
FAX: 03-4212-2150
E-mail: kikaku@nii.ac.jp