
Fiscal 2012

1st call of 2013 "NII International Internship Program" Guideline for Candidates
Assoc. Prof. Koibuchi and Prof. Amano (Visiting Professor) have been awardedas Best Paper Award in the 18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference(ASP-DAC)2013.
Professor Emeritus Yohichi Tohkura has been received as Life Fellow by IEEE.
NII team won the first place in the Video Browser Showdown (VBS) held at the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2013).
Dr. Yoshinobu Kano (JST PRESTO, NII Visiting Researcher) has beenawarded as the Best Paper Award in the International Workshop onAnalytics Services on the Cloud (ASC) 2012
Privacy Protection Techniques Using Differences in Human and Device Sensitivity-Protecting Photographed Subjects against Invasion of Privacy Caused by Unintentional Capture in Camera Images-
Assoc. Prof. Isao Echizen has been awarded as the Best Poster Award inInternational Workshop on Security (IWSEC) 2012.
About the delay in restart of CiNii and other services of NII
Prof. Takasu is awarded as Best Paper Award in the Fourth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies(CONTENT 2012).
Associate Prof. Gene Cheung is awarded as Top 10% Paper Award in IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia and Signal Processing (MMSP).
2nd call of 2012 "NII International Internship Program" Guideline for Candidates
Prof. Yoshihira Yamamoto and Assistant Prof. Tim Byrnes are awarded as EPL Prize(Best Poster Award)in ICAP 2012.
Assoc.Prof. Gene Cheung is awarded as Best Paper Runner-up Award in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
Academic Employment Opportunities at the National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems