
Fiscal 2015

1st call of 2016 “NII International Internship Program” Guideline
Associate Professor Gene Cheung have been selected as the APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer for Term 2016-2017.
Project Associate Professor Ikki Fujiwara (Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division) won the IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter Young Author Award 2015.
Daichi Kitamura (SOKENDAI, Ono Lab.) won the 9th IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Student Paper Award (for conference paper).
Associate Professor Gene Cheung was appointed associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
A paper by Professor Katsumi Inoue and his team was awarded as Best Presentation Award at ISIS2015.
Assistant Professor Yi Yu and her team won the 2nd prize in Yahoo Flickr grand challenge 2015.
Professor Zhenjiang Hu is awarded as “Distinguished Reviewer Award” in SLE 2015.
A paper by Tiep Nguyen (former NII inernship student, University of Information Technology), Associate Professor Duy-Dinh Le, Professor Shin'ichi Satoh and the team is selected as Top 10% Paper Award at MMSP 2015.
Dr. Yu Ichifuji (Project Researcher, Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, NII) received the Incentive Award for the Social Sciences Division of the 14th Docomo Mobile Science Award.
2nd call of 2015 “NII International Internship Program”Guideline for Candidates
Dr. Yasunori Aoki (Uppsala University, former NII MOU Internship student), Prof. Ken Hayami (Principles of Informatics Research Division), Prof. Akihiko Konagaya (Visiting Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology) received this years Best Author Prize of
Associate professor Gene Cheung is selected as one of the associate editors of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Editorial Board.
A paper by Professor Helmut Prendinger and his team is selected as 2014 Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing.
Assistant Professor Kazunori Sakamoto, Associate Professor Fuyuki Ishikawa and his team are awarded as “Best Artifact Award”at International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysiss.
A paper by associate Professor Gene Cheung and his team is selected as best paper candidate in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo.
A paper by Associate Professor Fuyuki Ishikawa and his team is awarded as “Best Paper Award” at The 1st Formal Methods in Software Engineering Education and Training Workshop.
NII Succeeds in Achieving One of World’s FastestLong Distance Transmission Speeds
Associate Professor Nobutaka Ono (Principles of Informatics Research Division) is awarded as "Unsupervised Learning ICA Pioneer Award" in SPIE.DSS 2015.
Academic Employment Opportunities for Specially Appointed Teaching Staff (Business Activities) at the National Institute of Informatics
1st call of 2015 “NII International Internship Program”Guideline for Candidates